Gray Duck Mail

Easy to use email discussion lists

Effortless Email Discussion Lists

Let the duck handle subscriptions and bounce backs.

Get Started

Gray Duck Mail is an alternative to email discussion group software such as Mailman and Sympa designed to be easy to set up and easy to manage. Gray Duck Mail makes running an email discussion list effortless.

Gray Duck Mail is written in C# and is powered by ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC running in Docker.

Current Version:

View major changes and updates in the change log. This might include breaking changes between versions.

What's Gray Duck Mail Do?

Gray Duck Mail connects you to your community through the one platform that everyone is on: email. It is perfect for managing mailing lists between small to medium size groups. Send one email, and everyone is automatically kept in the loop.


Gray Duck Mail is provided as a docker image, meaning you can be up and running quickly. You can run your email discussion lists from home or from a paid hosting provider.

Getting Started

Discussion lists are easy to manage in Gray Duck Mail. Fill in the email account information provided by your web host, and you'll be connecting to your community in no time!

Source Code

Gray Duck Mail is open source software released under the GPLv3 license. This means that you're free to use and modify Gray Duck Mail, even for commercial purposes, as long as you follow the conditions of the license.

Contributions are welcome and encouraged. The code is fully documented (via Sandcastle project) and can even be viewed in browser.

To report an issue, please report any bugs you encounter when using Gray Duck Mail. Your reports will help make Gray Duck Mail better for everyone!